2 August 2011

RV Cargo unpacking, Walmart living, trailer trash

We were all set to collect our stuff from Halifax airport when we got an urgent message from the UK freight company saying that they could not find it so probably it was not on the flight! Now this was 2pm UK time so the plane had already departed. What were we to do now? Surviving 2 weeks without our 'stuff' we'd allowed this time but not for it to go missing :(

Then we heard back that they had found it, it was on the flight, so We collected our stuff from the airport with glee to find all the boxes intact and filling our new RV. Mark here is a bit overwhelmed with 'how much have we got'. Unpacked the boxes allowing some space to get into bed that night, it was a late one.
First night in Halifax with RV we stay in Walmart's car park, a normal thing to do here. We were not alone, yes that really is a pink motor home next to us, it's 'Susie's homemade teacakes and shortbreads'. Behind the shop sign is a big rig, our new fellow RVers/friends Chris and Nelson from USA.

It seems not in the least a big weird to be camped out 'boondocking' here in a retail area the size of a small town. Amazingly people do walk too between shops. We are surrounded by all the retail (box stores) opportunities one could desire, which is handy as we need a load of things to 'set-up' the camper and we keep discovering more 'things' are needed as we go along.

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