6 August 2011

A few thoughts +/- over 'ere

- Okay so it's nicely warm outside, perhaps even a touch hot so I dress for the weather appropriately, get the summer dress on, the sandals ... yet one big annoyance is that whenever I got into a store, or a cafe I have to remember to put on a jumper or a jacket as places here are addicted to aircon so it's sooo cold inside. I guess when it gets winter I'll dress up for the cold then have to remove it all when I get inside as the stores/cafes will be too hot!

+ if I got a pound for every item of rubbish (trash) in public places I'd remain poor

- buy a can,  bottle or carton of any sort of drink and you pay a 'deposit' of 10c each item. Yet when you go to the provincial 'dump' or recycling area where they pay you for returning these they only give you 5c each. Someone is making money on this??

+ a sense/feeling of safety where ever you are

- toilet paper mostly 1 or 2ply, what' that about!!!

+ refilling our 5 gal water dispenser at only $2.60, good value (around £1.75)

- Freedom - but not for dogs as only allowed on the lead, even on remote beaches, except in dog only designated areas/parks. No humans allowed there except on leads!

+/- politeness: a double-edged sword. When in a hurry or mindfully focused on something people are a bit too polite saying "sorry" when not even remotely in my way, even more so than when we visited Japan. Yet it's so nice to have politeness expressed, it seems genuinely, in everyday life. Part of the culture here.

+ free membership and wifi and great resources at public libraries - cafe, toilets, printers, friendly helpful staff and very well supported by the community

- a big niggle is getting used to tax being ++added++ onto most displayed prices, even postage stamps have additional tax charged. Food is the exception with some of it not having tax added.

+ I love the Bulk Food store - if I want 100g of sunflower seeds or Mark 1kg of chocolate sprinkles, you just help yourself into bags, paid by the weight and eco-friendly by saving on packaging.

+ Canada Park's annual pass allowing free entry to historic sites and driving through national parks. It's a shame it does not cover the Provincial parks, that's always extra cost+ tax of course

+ Motorbikes - there's lots of clubs/enthusiasts here in Nova Scotia - beautiful touring ones, 3 wheelers, low riders.

Off to catch an internatinal Buskers festival in downtown Halifax later, sun shining today after horrendous lighting thunder storms earlier this week, quite frightening and soooo much rain. Nice 'n cosy in 'Joy'  (van name).


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