17 March 2013

Latest photo journal

It just went off in my hand. Blurred but I like it. This was taken on my latest photowalk in Gastown about a week ago.

I wondered what happened to Kermit this last 30 years!!!

Taken from the seabus heading home. This overcast 'look' is the usual one for North Van.

We often get this funky belt of cloud over us. Living under it doesn't look as funky as it does from downtown.

This actually IS one of the most beautiful bitches I ever saw... here!

This is for mum, she likes owls. I think they are mugs.

This trailer could be loaded up a bit more. There are 24 BIG cans of coconut water in the brown box, quite heavy. Today I cut a palate in half and loaded it onto this trailer, bit top heavy, only went over once. Made it into a narrow table to go under the main window to put plants on. Have tomatoes to grow there soon.

Yep, we got some snow a couple of weeks before xmas.

Getting of the seabus the other day the alarms were ringing in the terminal and the fire service was outside. False alarm I guess. But got a nice pic of it.
Dont forget that you can click on the pics to see full screen.

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