12 November 2012

Mammoth IKEA visits

I didn't plan on making this a blog post, but I did take some pics with my phone.

We had to visit the cafe often as IKEA is exhausting. We didn't see daylight for the 2 days we were there to get all the furniture for the apartment. Fortunately their food is good and cheap and coffee refills are free. Here is Linzi with the amazing tart they sell in the cafe and the food shop which we now have a couple of in the freezer... yumm.

This is the sofa bed we chose, it's really quite comfortable and a good size. We slept on it for a couple of weeks while researching mattresses.

It's clever too, here it is put away to be the L shaped sofa it is during the day, and the bedding goes under the end.

Told you IKEA is exhausting.

So this is all we bought the first day about half an hour after closing. Four trollies worth. I had to have two members of staff help us. The sofa is the big box left of centre.

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