Bunny kart, well what else would you choose to ride in around a festi?
It was off to Burning Man afterwards. |
Having been regular festival attendees in England it was with much excitment that we ventured to our first camping Canadian festi - Burn in the Forest, Squamish, BC for a weekend of experiencing this locally organised (Vancouver group) version of the infamous Burning Man. For those that have never heard of Burning Man it's an installation arts and creative headonistic event that happens in the Nevada desert in August, I think over some 10 days. No money is transacted on site, there's no water or food provided you must bring everything you use for yourself. And yes there are sand storms sometimes for which you have to protect yourself from. All a bit Mad Max (futuristic film set on devasted earth with Mel Gibson & Thunderdome singing Tina Turner). Though We've never been. However, I did not know what to expect from Burn in the Forest. A few pics here give you a flavour.
We met some great people, had enjoyable conversations, relaxed in beautiful scenery and were amazed at the installations, erected for only a few days, then dismantled and onward to the main Buring Man event in a few weeks time. Derigour for men's wear was the Burning Man kilt. A very practical clothing item with sturdy pockets and loops for your tools to hang off. Mark was quite taken by them so when we visit Seattle there's a store ...
Setting up this chillout and music venue, hot work for some muscians
Note: Tribal earther's I bet this brings home some memories! |
Mark in the Stargate. Will he return the same? No, he did not. |
Mark in hat - foreground.
Gifting Tree - hanging goodies.
bum covering ... |
Fungus Humugus art installation, background Squamish
riverbank. On the saturday night in prep for burning this
effigy (as is traditin at Burn in the Forest/Burning Man) there was a mini
emergency as the site was flooded from rising river levels
due to summer ice melt up the mountains as the weather had been so hot. |
Mini versions of Fungus Humugus beneath the motherlode |
Mark blind folded monkey pinata. I think it was Tanya
on the rope kept pulling it away much to everyone's amusement. |
Well done! Looks fun time!
glad you guys had fun!
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